Jan Troell - Trelleborgs Museum

Jan Troell is one of Sweden's greatest living filmmakers, directors and screenwriters.
The exhibition at Trelleborgs Museum tells the story of Jan and his life, and visitors get
the opportunity to get closer to Jan and his films by witnessing a mix of private objects and
stories, and take a look at some of his most famous films.


The Darkroom

Jan started early to explore the exciting world of photography.
In the exhibition you will find a hidden darkroom where visitors have the opportunity to explore parts of Jan's personal darkroom equipment.

We have created a digital development tray with a water-like effect that visualize the magic behind the traditional method of developing photos.


Sagolandet / The wonderland

This painting is a very important part of Jan's life, and it has also been featured in some of his films. It is a beautiful painting that also has a mysterious feel to it.
What do you find at the end of the trail? This is a question that Jan has always asked himself.

We have had the opportunity to create new life for this beautiful painting by creating a seasonal change. In a 3-minute animation, visitors can see the change of season and admire its beauty and mystery.


The Sound Effect Machine.

“I try to get music in as early as possible in the work process. Then it is the case that the music, emotionally speaking, affects more strongly than the image. As you know, you can steer a scene in any direction by changing the music. ”
- Jan Troell

Experience the enormous effect of music.

We have been given the opportunity to create a sound effect machine, so that visitors can, with the help of interactive means, experience the enormous effect music has on moving images. Jan works a lot with music and it is something that is extremely important to create atmosphere.

Choose between the various uniquely developed sound themes and sound effects and explore how you experience the effect of the music.


A huge thanks to
Trelleborgs Museum

Jens Hedbjörk for sound design

Jorge Cubero for graphic design & animation


Lysfanger - Copenhagen Light Festival 2021